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Postpartum Depression Articles

10 Myths About Postpartum Depression

10 Myths About Postpartum Depression

Due to an abundance of myths that many people mistake for facts, we often misunderstand postpartum depression. These insights may help you discern fact from fiction as you meet with conflicting information. 1: All new mothers are tired and depressed after childbirth...

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Acupuncture for Postpartum Depression

Acupuncture for Postpartum Depression

By their very nature, pregnancy and childbirth, and the strong hormonal changes that go with them, are hard on a woman’s body. While depression should never be ignored, many nursing moms are very reluctant to take antidepressant medication for fear of the effect it...

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Omega 3 for Postpartum Depression

Omega 3 for Postpartum Depression

It’s becoming well known that the essential fatty acids called DHA and EPA found mainly in certain fish, are important for the neurological development of the fetus during pregnancy. What is only recently being understood is it’s relevance to postpartum health, and depression specifically.

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